keskiviikko 24. syyskuuta 2014

State regulation makes a country poorer

  • Poverty and sweatshops exist because of the state loved by many. There is little poverty and few sweatshops in the most libertarian countries.
  • Hong Kong is one of the most libertarian areas in the world. The more libertarian a country is, the less poverty it has and the better its working conditions are. E.g. Hong Kong has less poverty and better workplaces than mainland China.
  • Minimum wages, bad occupational safety and child labor laws lead to unemployment and poverty and thus to sweatshops.
  • Minimum wages and workplace regulation by state cause poverty and do not necessarily eliminate sweatshops but countries with those can still be one of the freest in the world.
  • Some Western European countries are freest and richest in the world. Minimum wages and state regulation still cause poverty. If minimum wages and state regulation helped poverty, e.g. North Korea should be rich.
  • Just because something is not found by some people, it does not follow that it does not exist. A minimum wage can be so low that does not have noticeable effect. Libertarian arguments are supported by facts. E.g. Finnish unemployment is now a lot higher than before the introduction of minimum wages in 1970.
  • It is basic economics that minimum wages probably either cause unemployment or do not have any effect. It is the law of demand and supply. Otherwise you could make a minimum wage amount to a billion per hour and make every worker a billionaire.

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