There are libertarians like I who consider themselves progressives. What is at odds with libertarianism is big-government progressivism. Jennifer Hancock said in her blog post that she is almost in agreement with naive anarchists, so maybe she should be considered a libertarian as well.
Some libertarians are explicitly egoists but they usually define egoism in a positive way contrary to usual usage. You should not write libertarianism out of humanism because of some explicit egoist ethics that is worth consideration.
Big-government progressives are egoists, too, but they do not admit it and therefore their ideology has a propaganda advantage but no real advantage as far as humanism is considered. They want things and are usually not sorry for the pain they cause with their imperialistic politics.
Libertarianism is humanism because it is about human liberation and freedom. I see no reason why only big-government progressivism should be considered humanism.