welfare state is based on John Rawls's A Theory of Justice, which is
actually a theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat, as it prescribes that only the worst off matter. Methinks, the dictatorship of the proletariat is wrong because also other people than the proletarians matter. Originally the dictatorship of the proletariat was a concept of socialism. The welfare state has a lot in common with socialism. Both the welfare state and socialism seek to improve the lot of the badly off at the expense of the well-off. Pursuing the dictatorship
of the proletariat does not improve the lot of even the badly off because it is impossible to implement and is
in fact a dictatorship over the proletariat, which the socialists oppose.Even if you don't support John Rawls's theory, the welfare state is a
dictatorship anyway because it is based on the state's dictation. Maybe behind the welfare state, a democracy, too, is a dictatorship of the majority because there is no unanimity. The welfare state's ability to create well-being is very questionable since it creates disutility with its dictation. A unanimous decision creates well-being more likely than a divided one does because unanimity guarantees all consider the decision to be advantageous.The purpose of the welfare state, social justice is thus not very social. The word "social" comes from the Latin word "socius", which means a comrade. Dictation
is not social because you don't dictate to a comrade but take his will into account, so the welfare state is not social and
is therefore unable to carry out social justice. According to Arrow's paradox, democracy is unable to take the will of all into account. Even a democratic welfare state is thus in reality a dictatorship. The social justice of a welfare
state is, therefore, verbal magic, which seeks
to appeal to social and justice, but in reality is not them.
welfare state is suffering from the same problem as most branches of socialism: it seeks to social by antisocial
and authoritarian state means. In socialism, by means of verbal magic they try to create an impression that
the socialist state is a prerequisite for social, even though in
reality they are incompatible. Socialism
and the welfare state spring from a sense of injustice and the
illusion that a rational planned economy is to achieve a fairer
society. Socialism is based, like the welfare state, on a false belief that a free market economy is antisocial and unfair. It
is a misconception because it is wrong to regard past inequities of mixed economies as inevitable characteristics of a free market economy. Socialism is not a rational ideology because it accuses a free market economy of injustices without rational reasons. A lot that feels unjust of course happens in the world but opposition to a free
market economy does not follow logically from that. Socialism is based on an emotional surge that something needs to be done, but that deed is not rationally argued.In reality, a free market economy is social just as Gary Chartier has pointed out. A free market economy respects human bodily autonomy, private property and freedom of contract, i.e. it is social. Violation of those fundamental rights is antisocial and, therefore, the welfare state is antisocial. A free market economy is therefore just since by means of social behavior, justice in a society can be achieved. A precondition of social justice is that no one is deprived of rights. When everyone's rights to freedom are respected in legislation, income gaps are not unnecessarily imposed by politics and, therefore, the
need for income transfers is reduced. The
welfare state requires a centralization of power to the state, so the state
will increase income inequality by preventing economic activity unequally. One of
the main reasons to support a welfare state is the misconception that
in a free market economy income inequalities would be at least as large as they are now. Anyway, a free market economy would have income transfers such as insurance, mutual aid and charity. Support
for the welfare state is often based on a misunderstanding that in a
free market economy, there would be no income transfers or that charity
would be the only income transfer.
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